Check the task


Checks whether a cube is created at the intersection of structures and utility networks

For check:

  1. Click on the function icon
  2. Select the models at the intersection of which you need to check the placement of the cubes
  3. Set up filters for elements participating in the scan
  4. Select dice families
  5. Select the custom parameter that contains the cube ID
  6. Click "Ok"

When errors occur, a table is generated.

Double-clicking on a row in this table isolates the location of the error.

Check statuses

Absent - there are no cubes at the intersection between the engineering system and the selected architectural and structural elements

Checked – total number of cubes checked

Not required - no cubes are required at the intersection between the MEP system and selected architectural and structural elements

Incorrect dimensions - the dimensions of the cube are smaller than the section of the utility network or the cube is displaced by a significant distance relative to the section of the utility network

Incorrect Id – the cube ID specified in the user parameter does not match the internal Revit ID

Operating procedure

It is assumed that the initial check is carried out by specialists from the IOS section, after which they export the report file using the “Export” button and transfer it to the specialists from the AR section.

This file guarantees the correct placement of tasks for holes.

AR section specialists import the report file using the “Import” button and, if necessary, view conflicts recorded by the function.

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