Area reinforcement

 3612  1

Assignment of area reinforcement to parameters of reinforcing bar grades and lengths.

At the "Design documentation" stage, to design a view with floor reinforcement, it is sufficient to leave the border of the "Area reinforcement" element, the designation of the bars and a mark that gives information about the diameter of the bars and their spacing.  

However, for the stage "Working documentation" in the "Mark" element it is necessary to add more information, namely - the position of the bar by numbering, its length. To solve this problem and display the correct mark, this information from the parameters of the "Reinforcing bar" element is copied to the parameter of the "Reinforcement by area" element.

All add-on features:

  • The script determines the length of the bars within the "Area reinforcement" element and adds this number to one of the user-created parameters.
  • The script defines the grade of the bars within the "Area Reinforcement" element and adds the same grade to one of the user-created parameters.

Rod length


  1. It is necessary to create 4 user parameters corresponding to the reinforcement layers (1_Bar length_B_Base / 2_Bar length_B_W / 3_Bar length_N_Base / 4_Bar length_N_W). The name of the parameters analyzed by the script can be changed in the plugin settings.
  2. Select the area reinforcement required for processing, call this add-in.

Instructions for creating and adding a custom parameter to the project for reinforcement length values inside an area reinforcement:

  1. In the Project, select the Control tab> Parameters> General parameters
  2. Browse> Select the General parameters txt file. Make sure you have edit permissions for this file.
  3. Create> Name: 1_Length of bars_B_Basic; Category: Reinforcement by area; Data type: Length

Bar marking


When you add a hole to the floor, the bars highlighted in blue lose their previously assigned tag values


  1. Write the number of the bar not in the standard "Mark" field, but in a parameter created by the user, for example, "BOM grade"
  2. Assign the brand value again

This part of the script is intended to be solved using the 2nd method.


  1. It is necessary to create 4 user parameters corresponding to the reinforcement layers (1_Brand_B_Base / 2_Brand_B_W / 3_Brand_N_Base / 4_Brand_N_W). The name of the parameters analyzed by the script can be changed in the plugin settings.
  2. Select the area reinforcement required for processing, call this add-in.

Instructions for creating and adding a custom parameter to the project for values of reinforcement bars inside an area reinforcement:

  1. In the Project, select the Control tab> Parameters> General parameters
  2. Browse> Select the General parameters txt file. Make sure you have edit permissions for this file.
  3. Create> Name: 1_Mark_V_Osn; Category: Reinforcement by area; Data type: Text

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  • Ершова Анна 4 года назад Очень интересно!
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