Import tables


Import Excel spreadsheets into Revit as a drawing view.

The plugin consists of several interaction windows:

The main window for managing tables that have already been added to the project.
The list contains tables with information about the current status of the table, the file from which the data was taken, the name of the table sheet in Excel, and the time the table was created in Revit.

  • «Refresh» is responsible for updating the table data in Revit.
  • «Open View» makes active the selected table in the list in Revit.
  • «Open source file» opens the Excel spreadsheet from which the data was taken.
  • «Delete» removes the table from Revit and from the list of migrated tables.
  • «Add» is responsible for opening an additional window for transferring the table.

Additional window for setting up table transfer and direct transfer.

  • It is necessary to select a table file, the window will indicate the full path to the file.
  • By default, the first sheet of the file is selected, you can change the selection in the drop-down list.
  • There are several transfer options:
    create a new drawing view (the name must be unique for this project)
    insert into an existing drawing view (in the drop-down list, you can select the view to which the transfer will take place, if there are drawing views in the project, the data of the selected view will be deleted).

It is possible to customize the types of lines used in Excel for the Revit view.

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